The Institute Organized trainings on Financial Management and Digital Signature usages for E-tendering in this Financial Year. The program was conducted for the officials (Both Administrative and Training & Canning wings) of the Directorate of Agril. Marketing as well as for the Secretaries and SAEs of the Regulated Market Committees. Several relevant topics including IFMS, HRMS, WBSR, RTI act, RTPS act, DCRB rules, DRO rules have been covered under this training.The Trainings were mainly pprovided by several guest lecturers from Administrative Training Institute, Saltlake and Finance Dept, Govt. of West Bengal. Training on E-tendering was provided by the officials of NIC and WBSAMB. Practical evaluation was done after completion of the training programs.
Total 105 Trainees took part in 5 such trainings conducted by the institute in this Financial Year. Total 4.4 lakh was utilized from State Budget for the trainings.